Parents having winter babies are perhaps apprehensive about even taking their little bundle of joy home. After all, there are germs everywhere. Any type of illness in the first two months is frightening, even if it is the common cold. Keep in mind that infant care is much different than it is at any other time in your baby’s life. You have to be prepared for anything and learn quickly.
If your baby younger than 3 months old has a rectal temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher, call your pediatrician immediately!
Step one is a stocked and prepared infant medicine cabinet. This interestingly doesn’t contain any medicine. Some infant nasal drops, a nasal bulb syringe, and a vaporizer are about the only things you can do to help them. While you may be fearful inserting nasal drops, be aware that infants often have irregular breathing and maybe fussier if they are having trouble breathing through their noses when they are trying to feed or sleep.
Keeping their airways open is crucial. If you follow the instructions, there is little you can do to hurt them. The bulb syringe is the best invention since the wheel when it comes to a cold, and a hospital or doctor issued one is the only way to go! Clearing mucous from their nose may help them to breathe more comfortably. Don’t overdo it, though, or their little nasal passages may become irritated.
Run a vaporizer and resist keeping their room too warm. If they have a fever, especially in the first few weeks, they need to be brought to the ER or doctor’s office to ascertain the source and make sure it isn’t a bacterial infection of any kind. As alarming as it may be, don’t feel panicked if they insert a catheter or take blood. Often, this is a routine course of action when a newborn has a fever. Once you are confirmed with a cold or virus, dress them loosely in an onesie, and use light covers to keep them warm.

Germs are everywhere. Lots of winter babies spend the first two months indoors. If you have older children, unfortunately, it will be more difficult to keep germs away. Hand washing is essential. Never allow anyone, not even Grandma, to touch your newborn without washing with antibacterial soap and HOT water! If this offends someone, so be it! You have to keep your baby safe.
The good news that you might now know is that breastfed infants have higher immunity than formula-fed. In fact, colostrum is full of antibodies and antibacterial properties that can help your newborn to have a strong immune system.

For this reason, it isn’t extremely common that your child would be sick in the first few weeks of life. After that, they can catch anything that you can!
Once you feel comfortable treating your newborn for cold symptoms, you might want to pull the crib into your room for a while.
This way you can listen to them and make sure they are breathing comfortably. If you want to prop them up slightly to allow their mucous to drain, put something firm under their mattress. Never use a pillow or anything else in the crib with them.. Many moms may feel comfortable with a baby monitor, but most prefer to have the crib in the room with them.
The first cold is always the worst. After you get a few under your belt, you will be as adept as the nurses in the hospital at taking care of your infant. Never be afraid to ask for help, and have your pediatrician show you the proper way to do something should the need arise.